
Open positions

WisTAF is not hiring for any positions at this time.

Diversity and equal opportunity

We recognize that providing equal opportunity is an ethical, legal, social, and economic necessity. Diverse perspectives and backgrounds help us pursue WisTAF's mission of increasing access to justice in a statewide fashion. WisTAF strives to maintain a work force of the highest quality and will take steps to create a work environment that is free of discriminating and harassing behavior for all persons.

No applicant or employee shall be discriminated against based on age, ancestry, color, national origin, race, creed/religion, disability, marital/family/reproductive status, military service/veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Staff listing |
811 East Washington Ave., Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
608-257-6845 or 877-749-5045 (toll-free)

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