The Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. (WisTAF) is the civil legal aid funding administrator established by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation works with civil legal aid organizations in Wisconsin to increase access to justice. We oversee funds and invest in services and projects to help people resolve legal problems.
Since our founding in 1986, we have managed a plethora of public and private funding streams, awarding and administering millions of dollars in grants to organizations throughout the state.
Our investments support civil legal aid to help the most vulnerable in every Wisconsin county protect their rights and liberties through gaining access to the justice system.
With this access, clients can pursue stability, safety, and self-sufficiency — in turn benefitting our state as a whole.
WisTAF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation governed and managed by a 15-member Board of Directors and a full-time staff.
$9.6 million
72 of 72
Big goals aren’t achieved in isolation. We work together to advance our mission with numerous communities and organizations.
Here's how you can support civil legal aid.
Staff listing |
203 S. Paterson St., Ste. 200
Madison, WI 53703
608-257-6845 or 877-749-5045 (toll-free)
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