News releases

Civil legal aid delivers 8.4x economic return to Wisconsin

New research measures payoff of assisting people who can’t afford attorneys MADISON — Research released today shows that for every dollar invested in civil legal aid in Wisconsin, the economy receives a return of $8.40. more

WisTAF disburses legal assistance for Afghan evacuees

Total payments will top $670,000 in federal funds MADISON — The Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF) today distributed funds that allow people who evacuated Afghanistan to pursue necessary legal avenues to stability and self-sufficiency. The disbursements are the first in the Afghan Immigration-Related Legal Assistance grant program. WisTAF launched the program using federal funds, in partnership with state government. more

WisTAF awards $450,000 in Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Legal Assistance Grants

Hundreds of survivors of violence and abuse will achieve safety and independence through legal assistance grants announced today. The Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. (WisTAF), will distribute $450,000 in Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse (DVSA) Legal Services funding to twelve organizations around the state. These grant recipients will help survivors accomplish critical legal tasks for themselves and their families. more

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