Investing in justice for all.
Since 1986, the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF) has aided in "the administration of justice." Since that time, we have administered more than $76 million in civil legal aid grants that help people access justice and fair legal solutions.
Why did the Wisconsin Supreme Court establish WisTAF? Because the Constitution doesn't guarantee an attorney in civil cases. And yet, when people don't have attorneys, families and communities suffer. Courts become less efficient. Clients' livelihood and safety are at stake. And when they can't access legal protections, taxpayers provide other supports, like police and emergency room services.
Justice shouldn't depend on how much money you make. Help us make this a reality.
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811 East Washington Ave., Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
608.257.6845 or 877.749.5045 (toll-free)
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