Everyone in Wisconsin benefits when legal processes are effective and efficient, and when fair solutions are attainable by everyone. WisTAF is proud to work with multiple state agencies as part of programs that invest in civil legal aid to provide access to justice, save future public costs, and achieve other public sector goals.
Currently, several of our grant programs are supported with federal funds. Most of these funds were one-time disbursements, typically related to COVID-19, but one program, Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Legal Services, is supported by an annual allocation of federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds in the State of Wisconsin Biennial Budget.
Staff listing | service@wistaf.org
203 S. Paterson St., Ste. 200
Madison, WI 53703
608-257-6845 or 877-749-5045 (toll-free)
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