People evacuating from crisis in another country must take certain steps to legally remain in the United States for any length of time. The complex and time-consuming processes are challenging for people without law degrees, especially if they speak a different first language. Following the conclusion of the war in Afghanistan, thousands of vulnerable Afghans were airlifted to the United States. Some were resettled in Wisconsin where they began to rebuild their lives.
WisTAF received a special allocation of federal funds from Office of Refugee Resettlement through the Wisconsin Bureau of Refugee Programs to launch and maintain a grant program to support immigration related legal services to eligible Afghan refugees in Wisconsin.
The following agencies currently serve eligible Afghans in Wisconsin through this grant program:
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203 S. Paterson St., Ste. 200
Madison, WI 53703
608-257-6845 or 877-749-5045 (toll-free)
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